Welcome, Educators!
The REENVISIONED Project is a learner-centered project that facilitates student meaning-making around big life questions. It is also a process to align everyone around a vision for your school community.
All the materials are free to you - and we hope you will adapt them to your own needs.
See more below.

Our team has been working hard to imagine, build, and pilot this project with educators across the country. We have seen hundreds of young people learn about themselves and their communities. We have seen them reflect and develop personal and collective visions for their lives and schools. You can check out some of their interviews at: A New Conversation.
The Process Overview
Students (and adults if you want to include them!) interview each other and adults in their lives about what makes a good life, what the role of school is in helping create those lives, how well their school achieves these goals, and their most empowering learning experiences. They learn to interview, to listen closely, to analyze qualitative data, and to think about how to bring together different perspectives. And, they get to share their work with the world as part of a bigger movement to catalyze empathy and perspective taking - and emerge a new shared national vision for schooling.
This project is designed to be flexible and adaptable to whatever time and resources you have available to you. It can be done with one person or 1000 people; it can be done in one day or one year. We hope you will look everything over, then make it your own.
The Materials
We’ve created a Google Drive folder where you can download all materials for free. Please just enter your name and email address so we can know who has accessed them.
A few tips:
First review the Educator Packet - Whole Kit & Kaboodle. It will help you consider all of the possibilities. This packet has all of the materials for both teachers and students.
Educator Materials - this folder has all of the materials for educators - lesson plans, activities, etc., ready to print by module.
Student Materials - this folder has all of the student-facing materials - readings, activities, planning sheets, interview guides, etc. You can share/print the whole packet at once, or print by module.
We’re herE FOR YOU!
If you have questions about REENVISIONED, the project, any of the lessons, or need support or guidance as you work to bring this conversation to your classroom or school, please contact us at hello@reenvisioned.org. We would love to partner with you!
With love and possibility,